Saturday, December 9, 2006

Nav Camp again

As I interact with more teens, I get more n more thankful. Thankful in the way God helped me n the TNT to plan the team in such a way that alomost everyone is telling me that they hv enjoyed their team so muz.. including muyself. It has been a long while since I feel that I cant bear to leave nav camp.. the feeling is here again..

As i sms daniel, he told me tt he look forward to the reunion on 23rd.. a shame tt i cant be there.. n i talk to louis over msn, his nickname has the work Joash and the camp verse. even sam, eunice, rostina all miss their team.. even me too.. I think I am a crazy advisor.. i hv nv seen any advisor so involve in their team b4.. i muz b crazy. i feel like i m part of the team lo.. haha. a crazy team deserves a crazy team advisor.. haha. King mun n me agree tt we have a good good team.. All the way Joash!! U r really great. Each one of you contributed to the team in ur special way..

the boys are gg to Korea tml.. I m gg to surprise them by sending them off.. haha.. only Vin know.. think Louis n WC wil b so shocked. nt gg to tell them haha! Wonder how i can bless them.. Oli is gg to give them a daily bread to encourage them to read it daily in Korea.. tt's a great idea. but what can i do? mayb give them a tms pack. haha they wil sure die.. Vin hv alrdy started to do his QT, pray tt it will be on a daily basis n consistent one also. nd to warn him abt the aft effects of the camp lest he thinks tt the effects of nav camp wil last forever. we stil nd to go to God for our daily manna.

Father u wan us go to u daily cos we need ur daily.. Nv let me forget u Lord. as the song goes, "my heart forever is wandering" Let me always go back to u Lord when I wander..

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rach said...
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