Sunday, May 18, 2008

Si Chuan Earthquake

"中国是个备受古难的民族" My Malaysian colleague said this..

手足口症,大雪灾,四川省八级地震.. In less than a year, they have experienced 3 major national crisis..

19th, 20th and 21st May are set as National Crisis Day. To mourn for the earthquake victims at the exact timing of 2:28pm when the earthquake happened.

During this time of painful reflections, I pray their hearts may turn to God for help and comfort.

I want to do more than praying. I want to be there somehow, somewhat. Yet I am not sure if i can stand the sight and the smell of dead bodies all around. The sound of wailing and mourning for the loss of homes, families, jobs, dreams and future. One major city, go under ruins in a matter of seconds. That is how fragile life is.

On a individual level, homes, families and jobs are lost. One a city level, a whole generation of young people are LOST! Thousands upon thousands of young people buried under the ruins of their school. "How long would restoration take?" This must be the questions many are asking themselves..

Oh I just read this heading- "银行表示并不承担地震风险 房贷政策目前无变化"

Oh I pray that they will provide some help here. That the victims who got their homes destroyed will not have to repay their bank loan.

God, I just want to be there. Whatever I can do I dunno. I just want to be there.. Being here when there are hundreds of thousands suffering is too much to bear..

Saturday, May 10, 2008

WeiXiong&Rebecca's Wedding

Abang used his normal camera to take these pictures of the couple.. Bt I find them so pro sia...

Here is the wedding couple.. Simple and beautiful wedding.. That's them.. Not much nitty gritty, only a simple until cannot simple wedding.. haha. Simple until I really admire them, admire their simplicity.

After the wedding ceremony, we got so obessessed with the big beautiful cross and the grand piano.. Have to take pictures with it!

1 of it is taken with HL's camera, so the effect maybe not so good..

And finally, here are the NUS SOWers group.. haha.. Plus the couple too =)

Thanks to Abang & HL who sent us the pictures.. I have been looking forward to them..

About 5 years we know one another.. Its the common understanding between us that binds us together.. God, heart for people in social work and one another..I am blessed. SK not in social work line, but he often joke that he is half a social worker already.. =)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Prayer of Jabez

Of the whole song, I only remember this line.

Many times as I serve God, I looked back. I wondered how things would have been different if I chose otherwise. Yet in looking back and counting my loss, I always give thanks that He has blessed me this much.

Admit it, I have lost out when I serve God full time for 2 years. Lost out in experience as a social worker, lost out in mometary gains and other things. I have got to face it and stop denying that I didnt lose out!


The gains that I have receive I need to proclaim it in my life!! The time to watch over Lucas and my family, the time spent with the girls, the lessons learnt about God in my period of serving full time. These are eternal and priceless..

Where is my place in the will and plan of God? Am I where He wants me to be? I know that I dont want to just spend 9-6pm in the office and finish my job. I can do more and be much more. (I am beginning to wonder if I am an ambitious person?) But if I give more in the office, other areas of my life will suffer. Either family, ministry or my personal life..

"O Lord that you would bless me and enlarge my territory. Let your hands be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. And God granted the prayer of Jabez."

May the Lord God also grant my prayer- the prayer of Jabez..

Monday, May 5, 2008

Victory or Defeat

I just wanna write something here.. Have not written for a long time. Sitting in my new office and enjoying a moment of peace before my colleagues all comes in... A blessing of peace..

In the spiritual realm, great battle are going on all the time. The question is whether we are aware of it or not.

I have been feeling defeated, not leading the victorious Christian life that we children of God should be leading. After yesterday morning's reminder, I finally come to my senses... Thank God for the timely reminder and the grace that so sustains...

Lord, transform my mind, my life and my attitude. Jesus, may your blood cover my family to shield them from the evil one.