Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Training.. Intimacy

Saw Jia's blog and click on the China girls' gymnastic. Wanted to cry when I see them train. I wonder if I am touched or sad. I still dont know. And sadly, I dont have time to dwell in that emotion and wonder what is it that clicks in my heart. Maybe its the fact that they reminded me of the circus training their animals. N to see the girls working so hard for a mere medal breaks my heart. I wonder what their future will be like if they do not get chosen into the Olympics. It's harsh reality. I pray that the training will build up not only their physical but also their soul and spirit.

Heard from a friend that the Orientation Camp in the Unis are playing gross games like guy and girl locking their lips, and guys doing push up on top of a girl, etc etc. N apparently, they are being sponsored by SDU.

I seriously wonder if they have mistaken physical intimacy with emotional, intellectual and spirtual intimacy. Too sadly, many have thought that being close physically wil bring intimacy into the other aspects of their lives. N SDU and the Unis are advocating that!

Lord, open our eyes to see the truth. Grant our students' leader wisdom that they stand firm against foolish acts.

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