Wednesday, July 4, 2007


“我 所 测 不 透 的 奇 妙 有 三 样 , 连 我 所 不 知 道 的 共 有 四 样 : 就 是 鹰 在 空 中 飞 的 道 ; 蛇 在 磐 石 上 爬 的 道 ; 船 在 海 中 行 的 道 ; 男 与 女 交 合 的 道 。” 箴 言 30:18-19
King Solomon says that there are 3 things that are too amazing for him, 4 things that he do not understand.
There are too many mysteries in this world that I cannot comprehend. Solomon had his list, I too have mine…
1. Why do some people hope beyond all hopes? (Where do they get their strength to hope?)

2. When does hope becomes too blinding for some to see the truth? (Example: repeatedly abused women who do not leave their husbands, and suffer for over 10, 20 years.)

3. When does hope become stupidity when it’s silly to even continue to hang on to hope?

Hope is indeed a mystery… there are many others...
I am thankful that I am only human, and I do not have to know everything. Everything is too much for me to handle.

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