God is committed to changing me, for this I am thankful. This lies in the fact that He is my Redeemer. My Jesus Redeemer means He has bought me with a great price, bought me, rescue me, from the hand of the evil one.
I use to think that Jesus Redeemer is just the fact that He died for me, paid for my sins and I no longer have to be slave to Satan. Yet I have came to understand that there is more (Thanks Robert for the message).
Jesus Redeemer also means that He will redeem me from everything that is holding me back from living an abundant life in Him. He will redeem me from my past hurts. He will redeem me from my emotional baggages. He will redeem me from my flaaws. He will redeem me from my broken relationships. Everything that are in my life which needs His redemption, He will redeem. He is committed to redeeming me, to change me into more like Him.
Lucas coming into our family is redemptive. His coming has redeemed my relationship with my mum. As I see her caring for Lucas, I understood finally that she does love me and sis. I began to believe that she does love and will care if she has the capacity to. But she does not have tt capacity when we were young. I began to see that she was under the bondage of the evil one and she could not help herself. Now that she is in a much better state, she is able to care and to love. To understand that she was unable, rather than she was unwiling makes a huge difference. I am willing to accept her again.
Roy said this, "God does not waste suffering. Everything is redemptive." I think I kinda understand it more now. When we thought that life would be tough, it turned out to be a joy. What I thought was going to be suffering and trial, it turned out to be redemptive.
Because Jesus is my Redeemer, I have hope for tomorrow. I have hope that my future will be glorious. Jesus has redeemed me and He is still redeeming me to be who I am meant to be.
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