Thursday, November 18, 2010


Much needs to be done.. but much are left undone..

Many ideas on what can be done.. but there are not many support..

Needs ranging from helping needy families, educating their children, befriending the emotionally disturbed, reaching out to youths who fight and slash.. Where can we start from?

We are only testing grounds, but the ground is hard. When God talks about toiling the ground and that labor will be hard, is He talking about the ground of the social needs?

Farmers over the years learnt how to watch the weather, understand the soil, and experiment with the nature of the plants they are planting.. Eventually, we have grains and vegetables in plently (mainly just for my country?) But they did it!

William Wilberforce took 17 years to abolish the slave trade.. With silly mistakes, good friends, some deaths, renewed passion from his confidante (aka wife), and sheer DETERMINATION, he did it. (Although slavery took on new forms in today's world) But he did it!

How are we going to do it? Abundant, desperate needs.. What is God calling me to do? Where is God leading us to?

Unless God builds the house, the builder builds in vain.. Be our Foundation and Anchor my dear Lord.

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