Wednesday, November 24, 2010


The home visit was anointed by God. He revealed relationship dynamics that shows me the cause and effect in the girl's life.

I think she struggles very hard to go to school, but is not able to break through. There is a stronghold in her life and in her previous generations. Unless the Lord shows mercy and delivers them, there is no breakthrough. And how can there be a breakthrough, unless someone prays for them. N how can someone prays for them, unless people sees and knows. (Maybe i can share about them and ask for prayers)

When a parent spares the rod, he spoils the child. When a parent uses the rod too harsh, it breaks the child. A rod in the hand of the parents is God given authority and responsibility. It needs to be used with LOVE and WISDOM.

Even when I see the impact on this girl's life, what can I do other than to pray. For unless the Lord builds the house, the worker labors in vain.

God, use me as an instrument to channel life in the lives of these young ones.

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