I look like I got some extra flesh at my tummy, n just overweight.. hmmm.. not too flattery but still trying to look my best with some suitable clothes.
Pregnant is an expensive event. New clothes, shoes, underwears, nutritious food and more food n more picky about food, medical fees, supplements etc etc...
So baby this week is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper).

When i go for my ultrasound scan, Wow! He/she is so active! Kicking his/her legs so frequently (though I can feel none of it yet)
According to what I read, his/her blood vessels are visible through his/her thin skin, and his/her ears are now in their final position. The genitals are noticeable now, but it was not so clear during the scan. =)
We have the names ready and we are prepared for either gender =)
Paul is talking to Baby everyday, as for me starting to learn likewise. Sometimes I feel bad that I was busy the whole day and neglected Baby. So i learn to take little moments to be with Baby such as while I am in the bus/train, walking or showering.
Thank God that preparing for motherhood is a 10month process that we all get the time to adjust and adapt.
I am so thankful that God is perfect in His timing and wisdom to create everything perfect. Thank you dear God.
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