Thursday, July 26, 2007
On Family...
A week ago, my Maxonline contract ended. the initial decision was to recontract and get a cheaper rate.. But as I was dealing w the sales rep, there was no peace.. The way she do her business feels a bit unethical to me.. I had 2nd thoughts about signing up w her, but then agreed to her verbally at the end because I feel that there is no loss on my part..
Next day, as i was shopping with Kingmun, we were jus causally chatting and was telling him about internet blah blah blah.. From him, I realised that Singnet is cheaper and thankfully there was a singnet shop nearby and so we went to take a look.. On the spot, i called the sales rep, cancelled my verbal agreement with her and sign on Singnet.. So here I am using a cheaper and faster broadband! =) Thanks to Kingmun and God..
2nd episode about Singnet... Was about to plug in and get the broadband started when I realised that the telephone port I had near to my PC was a "dead" one, so I wouldnt get my broadband started. Well, i was impatient and frustrated and disappointed. My parents and I tried to check out some solutions and finally when dad realised that only a needed cable was missing, he volunteered to go Mustafa to get it!
I was surprised at how he wanted the broadband to get going for me. At 11pm at night, he took a bus to Mustafa to get the cable. Usually he could cycle but he cant cycle yet because he jus ended a minor operation. I wonder when was the last time I inconvenient myself for them. Many times I only think about my own convenience and only take for granted their love for me. I was too blind to appreaciate them. My friends, pls remind me of my dad's love for me. i am forgetful when it comes to the goodness of people.. Pls remind me..
And discussing problems with family can actually be so much more easier on yourself because you do not have to carry the load all on your own.. They are there to share.. I know for my parents that they are eager to help me and want to be part of my life.. Now to respond to them, I pray that I will grow in maturity, in thinking for them, not only consider myself in all things..
I know that God is working out His redemption plan in my family.. Redeeming the lost relationships..
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Jesus Redeemer
I use to think that Jesus Redeemer is just the fact that He died for me, paid for my sins and I no longer have to be slave to Satan. Yet I have came to understand that there is more (Thanks Robert for the message).
Jesus Redeemer also means that He will redeem me from everything that is holding me back from living an abundant life in Him. He will redeem me from my past hurts. He will redeem me from my emotional baggages. He will redeem me from my flaaws. He will redeem me from my broken relationships. Everything that are in my life which needs His redemption, He will redeem. He is committed to redeeming me, to change me into more like Him.
Lucas coming into our family is redemptive. His coming has redeemed my relationship with my mum. As I see her caring for Lucas, I understood finally that she does love me and sis. I began to believe that she does love and will care if she has the capacity to. But she does not have tt capacity when we were young. I began to see that she was under the bondage of the evil one and she could not help herself. Now that she is in a much better state, she is able to care and to love. To understand that she was unable, rather than she was unwiling makes a huge difference. I am willing to accept her again.
Roy said this, "God does not waste suffering. Everything is redemptive." I think I kinda understand it more now. When we thought that life would be tough, it turned out to be a joy. What I thought was going to be suffering and trial, it turned out to be redemptive.
Because Jesus is my Redeemer, I have hope for tomorrow. I have hope that my future will be glorious. Jesus has redeemed me and He is still redeeming me to be who I am meant to be.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Mysteries continues
More mysteries that I have been thinking about...
Following Solomon's list of things that he finds amazing...My list continues...
1. Faithfulness shown in old couples who have been with each other for the most part of their lives. The way old couples hold hands and cross the road, stroll in parks, take bus together... they amazes me... Wonder what made them held on to another for the rest of their lives...
2. Unfaithfulness shown in men n women who decided to go separate ways after they have committed to another in marriage.
Why do people get married? If marriage is about staying with another sinner, if marriage is not easy, if marriage means you need to constantly adjust to suit another person, they why do so many people still want to get married?
Seriously all married couples with the exception of 1, told me this, “marriage is not easy”. And one day I got angry in my heart! I was not sure why I got angry. The feeling is like, if getting married is so difficult, then don't get married la. I just don' understand why still so many want to be married. (I get angry because I don't have the reasons? I don't know)
If marriage is a torture, why torture am glad for the one person who told me that he had a wonderful marriage with his wife. I am thankful for him who did not tell me that marriage is difficult... e he is the rare one.
Unless I find the reason and purpose for marriage, marriage is a tough choice. Not for the fainted-hearted to venture.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
I know they have grew in friendship, grew in knowing God, grew in understanding themselves, and grew in the character of God.
At least I find Char more confident than she used to be...
I find Santi more humble than she used to be...
I find Ruth more dependent on God than she used to be.. =)
Ok I looked like a giant in this picture. I look so tall can.. No no, maybe I should say they look like hobbits! haha!! Hobbit Ruth, Hobbit Santi and Hobbit Char..
You have kept them safe in Your hands and You say that no one can snatch them out of Your loving hands..continue to watch over them and protect them from the evil one...
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
King Solomon says that there are 3 things that are too amazing for him, 4 things that he do not understand.
There are too many mysteries in this world that I cannot comprehend. Solomon had his list, I too have mine…
1. Why do some people hope beyond all hopes? (Where do they get their strength to hope?)
2. When does hope becomes too blinding for some to see the truth? (Example: repeatedly abused women who do not leave their husbands, and suffer for over 10, 20 years.)
3. When does hope become stupidity when it’s silly to even continue to hang on to hope?
Hope is indeed a mystery… there are many others...
I am thankful that I am only human, and I do not have to know everything. Everything is too much for me to handle.