Saturday, June 2, 2007

God's Kingdom come..

I will not allow Satan any foothold in my life, establishing his kindgom of cynicism. he has no right to make me upset. I will reject him the joy of seeing me upset. I will refuse him the priviledge to see me downcast.. All this because I belong to Christ and I am in Christ.

The evil one cannot defeat God, but he can make me live defeated life. The abundant life starts now. I shall no longer be suck into the cycle of emotional ups and downs, of jealousy, of envy, of cynicism.

God, please give me love to bear all enjoy each moment as it is, no matter if it's good or bad, because God you turn everything good in your time..each experience in life, I believe is an opportunity to become like Christ. So mould me into Your likeness..

My sorrow belongs to God. My brokenness belong to God. If I may have to be sorrowful, I will commit it to God to turn it into rejoicing. If I may have to be broken, its all because God wants me to be whole in Him.

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