I have been thinking and praying about my future directions. My term with the Navs will end nxt yr end of March.. Where should I go? Should I even go?
I have been enjoying my work.. Really enjoying.. One day I was praying for the SHSS Sec1 girls, n I have a dream for them. I need to pray for something to happen there and something needs to be done. But I may not have the time.. Its ok, I may not have to be the person doing everything all the time.. Yet.. there is the burden.. Does this burden means that God is calling?
The same issue of faith.. after 2 years, it all comes back to the same question of trust and faith.. What will God tell me? How will He answer me? I pray for wisdom and understanding as He speaks. What do I really want? Do I have the determination and passion of those who say "He is no fool to give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."?
"Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son. ...It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had signs on us for glorious living." Ephesians 1:4-6, 11 (The Message)
I find comfort in this passage.. That long before He laid the foundation of the earth, He had me in mind. Though He only created Adam n Eve on the 6th day, but He had them planned for. Mankind was not a spontaneous addition to the earth.. We were planned for.
And I am only made whole, and holy by His love. Nothing else can. No one else can.
I am really struck by the word WHOLE. I am complete in Christ!
His love completes my soul!
His purpose for me completes my life! -meaningful, abundant, glorious life!!!
(What does tt life looks like?)
I am whole and complete in and out!
I only need to discover them slowly...God foreknew all things. He had all planned, I am to venture on the discovery journey with Him..
Jesus as the hope and the anchor of my soul, firm and secure.. With Him as my anchor, I need not drift along in life...
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Gila pictures at Serene's hse
Ok guess wat all this prop means? If you can ever get the correct answer, u get a treat from me.. Provided you got the answers by your own intellect =) (that means no help at all from the girls!)

The below one, suppose to act cute.. nt as cute as I think we shd be.. Becos we are BEAUTIFUL.. Not cute..

This is happiest.. I love it.. =)
Compressed face.. I hv to compressed my face manually cos I dunno how to compress my face leh..hahaha..
Know wat I mean when i say hilarious nite? There are stil lots more.. I pick up those tt I think see can one la.. N there are lots more w Serene still =)
I am thankful to God for bringing us together.. Relationships cant be taken for granted for.. I guess when we accept one another with a big heart, to forbear in love, to overlook one another's flaws, to support one another in love.. Watever community you are in, it will be the best community.. But it take effort, it takes love.. It takes God n the people of God..It takes maturity.. There is so muz ingredients to a loving community, whose foundation is on God.. But God is the foundation of all foundations..
God, give us love that others may know that we are your disciples..
Pictures =)
Just wanna showcase some pictures I have taken recently.. Been taking quite a bit of pics.. I think got influenced by people ard me..
N yes, must show those taken at Serene's house.. We literally went gila! N i always laugh at times I am nt supposed to laugh.. sigh.. seriously cant blame me.. people beside me giggled so i also got influence lo.. But well, they blame me for tt.. ok for those pics at Serene's hse got to wait cos nt sent yet =)
Ok taken some pictures with the boys, Joel, Samuel, Vincent and Weichin.. I think those Jo and I was high tt day, then we take n take.. More with Kelvin, nt sent yet as well.. =)
Those with Weichin n Vincent look so tired, cos last day of camp mah..

I like the above picture the best of all.. =)
Pictures with Lucas.. Shopping w my mum n sis, n Lucas
I like it when Lucas is so natural =) I call him 帅帅 or 小帅. Haha.. Think he will know up knowing that he is 帅!

That's all Folks!
N yes, must show those taken at Serene's house.. We literally went gila! N i always laugh at times I am nt supposed to laugh.. sigh.. seriously cant blame me.. people beside me giggled so i also got influence lo.. But well, they blame me for tt.. ok for those pics at Serene's hse got to wait cos nt sent yet =)
Ok taken some pictures with the boys, Joel, Samuel, Vincent and Weichin.. I think those Jo and I was high tt day, then we take n take.. More with Kelvin, nt sent yet as well.. =)
Those with Weichin n Vincent look so tired, cos last day of camp mah..
I like the above picture the best of all.. =)
Pictures with Lucas.. Shopping w my mum n sis, n Lucas
I like it when Lucas is so natural =) I call him 帅帅 or 小帅. Haha.. Think he will know up knowing that he is 帅!
That's all Folks!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Tired out but still ready to chiong!!
I didn’t realized I was so tired from camp. I slept almost for 12hours everyday and I am still feeling tired… I think I will sleep like a pig again tonite. Never before have have I enjoyed sleeping so much. Jus pray that my schedule will go back to normal. Sleepy sleepy.. I think those who need to go back to office must be feeling horrible.. Oh man, I feel for them..
There are a lot of follow-up to do for this camp. This is the first time I feel so urgent about doing the follow-up after a camp. Perhaps this camp is different and I really sense the need to catch the girls and consolidating what they learn. One of the way to help my life gg back to normal is meet these girls up and go back to the daily routine of life.
Can someone tell me if too much sleep is evil? I wanna know if I have reached tt stage of evil? If so, I need to be prayed for! Haha =)
Ok, time to do the last part of the camp… unpacking and sending feedbacks. Jia you Jia you!!
Btw, I feel as if I can still chiong for the nxt Nav Camp and the nxt nxt Nav camp. The staffs were saying tt maybe we shld just hv two camps.. I totally support the idea but they think I siao! Haha.. anyone supporting me?? =)
There are a lot of follow-up to do for this camp. This is the first time I feel so urgent about doing the follow-up after a camp. Perhaps this camp is different and I really sense the need to catch the girls and consolidating what they learn. One of the way to help my life gg back to normal is meet these girls up and go back to the daily routine of life.
Can someone tell me if too much sleep is evil? I wanna know if I have reached tt stage of evil? If so, I need to be prayed for! Haha =)
Ok, time to do the last part of the camp… unpacking and sending feedbacks. Jia you Jia you!!
Btw, I feel as if I can still chiong for the nxt Nav Camp and the nxt nxt Nav camp. The staffs were saying tt maybe we shld just hv two camps.. I totally support the idea but they think I siao! Haha.. anyone supporting me?? =)
Friday, June 15, 2007
After Camp
I feel lost after nav camp.. For a few months, I have been working on the camp, meeting after meeting. And the whole process reached a climax at the camp where everything became very intensive. Suddenly, it all ended. Cant help but feel a sense of lost and meaninglessness.
Remember Eccelesiates again.. Meaningless, Meaningless, everything is meaningless.. Yet not everything is meaningless..
I remember the night talks with Suyintha, Santilin, Huimei.. I remember the hugs with Zhiting, Samantha, Yupin, Tiffany, Fayth, Jolynn.. I remember the talks on the bus with Jovin. I remember the morning QT with WeiChin and Vincent. Those are meaningful. The relationships built are meaningful..
This morning received a sms from Sam. She told me that she is moving on to church with her sister. On one hand I am happy that she made tt decision. As i see her getting more n more involve in church, I was thinking that I need to help her to consider where does she wanna go in the end. But b4 I helped her in tt process, I am glad that she sis has alrdy helped her. She is in God's good hand I know, and God will continue to watch over her. I will miss her.. I am blessed to be blessed by her and to have the opportunity to be helping her for a short 1 and half year.. This causes me to feel a lil lost as well, though I know that its for my good and for her good. As I think abt my work situation, I dun think I can handle so many girls alrdy.. So I m thankful that God has His good plans..=)
I can rest in God..
Remember Eccelesiates again.. Meaningless, Meaningless, everything is meaningless.. Yet not everything is meaningless..
I remember the night talks with Suyintha, Santilin, Huimei.. I remember the hugs with Zhiting, Samantha, Yupin, Tiffany, Fayth, Jolynn.. I remember the talks on the bus with Jovin. I remember the morning QT with WeiChin and Vincent. Those are meaningful. The relationships built are meaningful..
This morning received a sms from Sam. She told me that she is moving on to church with her sister. On one hand I am happy that she made tt decision. As i see her getting more n more involve in church, I was thinking that I need to help her to consider where does she wanna go in the end. But b4 I helped her in tt process, I am glad that she sis has alrdy helped her. She is in God's good hand I know, and God will continue to watch over her. I will miss her.. I am blessed to be blessed by her and to have the opportunity to be helping her for a short 1 and half year.. This causes me to feel a lil lost as well, though I know that its for my good and for her good. As I think abt my work situation, I dun think I can handle so many girls alrdy.. So I m thankful that God has His good plans..=)
I can rest in God..
Thursday, June 7, 2007
传道书5:20,“他 不 多 思 念 自 己 一 生 的 年 日 , 因 为 神 应 他 的 心 使 他 喜 乐”
Ok fine, in English it simply means "He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart." Ecclesiastes 5:20
觉得自己想得太多了。想得太多不好。人变得乱乱的。所以看到这编经文的时候我想我需要这样祷告。。 我需要神应我的心,使我喜乐。我是我想要得。做个快乐的人。
传道书7:21-22“人 所 说 的 一 切 话 , 你 不 要 放 在 心 上 , 恐 怕 听 见 你 的 仆 人 咒 诅 你 。 因 为 你 心 里 知 道 , 自 己 也 曾 屡 次 咒 诅 别 人 。”
Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 "Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you- for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others"
Camp is coming! Camp is tomorrow!.. All the way!!
Ok fine, in English it simply means "He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart." Ecclesiastes 5:20
觉得自己想得太多了。想得太多不好。人变得乱乱的。所以看到这编经文的时候我想我需要这样祷告。。 我需要神应我的心,使我喜乐。我是我想要得。做个快乐的人。
传道书7:21-22“人 所 说 的 一 切 话 , 你 不 要 放 在 心 上 , 恐 怕 听 见 你 的 仆 人 咒 诅 你 。 因 为 你 心 里 知 道 , 自 己 也 曾 屡 次 咒 诅 别 人 。”
Ecclesiastes 7:21-22 "Do not pay attention to every word people say, or you may hear your servant cursing you- for you know in your heart that many times you yourself have cursed others"
Camp is coming! Camp is tomorrow!.. All the way!!
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Suyin, Nat & Eunice
Saturday, June 2, 2007
God's Kingdom come..
I will not allow Satan any foothold in my life, establishing his kindgom of cynicism. he has no right to make me upset. I will reject him the joy of seeing me upset. I will refuse him the priviledge to see me downcast.. All this because I belong to Christ and I am in Christ.
The evil one cannot defeat God, but he can make me live defeated life. The abundant life starts now. I shall no longer be suck into the cycle of emotional ups and downs, of jealousy, of envy, of cynicism.
God, please give me love to bear all things..to enjoy each moment as it is, no matter if it's good or bad, because God you turn everything good in your time..each experience in life, I believe is an opportunity to become like Christ. So mould me into Your likeness..
My sorrow belongs to God. My brokenness belong to God. If I may have to be sorrowful, I will commit it to God to turn it into rejoicing. If I may have to be broken, its all because God wants me to be whole in Him.
The evil one cannot defeat God, but he can make me live defeated life. The abundant life starts now. I shall no longer be suck into the cycle of emotional ups and downs, of jealousy, of envy, of cynicism.
God, please give me love to bear all things..to enjoy each moment as it is, no matter if it's good or bad, because God you turn everything good in your time..each experience in life, I believe is an opportunity to become like Christ. So mould me into Your likeness..
My sorrow belongs to God. My brokenness belong to God. If I may have to be sorrowful, I will commit it to God to turn it into rejoicing. If I may have to be broken, its all because God wants me to be whole in Him.
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