Anyway my stomach feels empty, incapable of tolerating any food. I am not feeling the appetite too. Guess its got to do with my emotions. I feel empty, just like my stomach is feeling empty.
Things/persons I have used to fill up my void for too long is slowly being removed by God-leaving a sense of emptiness within me. A sense of loss, loneliness but yet HOPE remains. Even though it remains somewhere in the distance, at least its somewhere to be seen.
I made the prayer to be emptied, and now it's taking so much out of me to remain still and continue to let God empty me. I remember Isa 40:30-31.
Those who wait on the Lord will soar like eagles. When eagles reach a certain age, they will rise to a maximum peak. In order for them to soar higher, they need to go through a painful process-stripping themselves off their feathers. Finding an isolated cave, and using their beaks, they begin stripping themselves off their feather. After this painful process, they need to wait for the new feather to grow. This is a most vulnerable period for the eagles because they can not fly during this period.
Though painful, though vulnerable, but its so important for all of us who want to grow! I am thankful for the lessons from the eagles. They look strong, majestic and powerful, and I want to be like them. Yet sometimes I am tempted to avoid the pain necessary to reach such maturity. I am much tempted to give up, yet this cannot be. My friends who know me, pray for me that I may preserve in hope and faith, that this time may not be wasted.

Sufferings in this painful world are senseless, but God use them to make sense for us all.
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