Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Parental Love

I thank God Oswald is 6weeks old now. Still getting to know this new member in my family. Its a continuous process of surrendering my self-centeredness to God, asking for forgiveness so that I may always love him. Oswald's dependency on me reveals my self-centeredness. On bad days, I may need to carry him for up to 2 hours. Tt's when I actually got angry with him for being so selfish! Bt come to think abt it, he does not know ya. God has created little babies this way- that their world only has themselves. Their comfort and satisfaction is everything.

No wonder parents are said to be noble and self-sacrifical. (of course there are also parents who are not) Babies test your patience and test your limits. N the best part is you cant scold them bcos they wont understand!

Anyway, loving one's child does not come naturally. We all love cute little babies. But there are many moments when they are not cute at all.. This love needs to grow..

I observed how my mum care for Oswald and Lucas, I knew that she loves them. N I know that when I was a child, she loves me too (of course right now as well!) But I nv appreciate that until I saw how she loved Lucas and Oswald. Even my dad can recall with fond memories the little stories when I was a baby.. Even though I always find many misgivings about my parents, but 1 thing I need to learn from them- is to learn to love your child the way they are.

Oswald at his 'stare-blank' moments.. seems like a serious thinker..

At his active moments, he kicks his legs and waves his hands!

Lucas is a very kind big brother. He knows how to shout for help when Oswald regurgitate his milk, sing songs to Oswald, and help to pat him to sleep. Oh, he even holds the bottle for Oswald when he is drinking! =) Best thing- he is keeping aside toys for Oswald! Ha! Wat a scarifice! =)

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