The most popular songs in my house right now: Jesus Loves Me, His Love is, From the rising of the Sun, Wheels of the Bus..
In the morning I sing him: His Love is, From the rising of the sun. In the night, I sing him: Jesus loves me, Silent Night..
Think Oswald reached another milestone last night when he slept for 6hours straight without drinking milk. But poor me, I was woken up by his fussing (he fuss a bit when he is in light sleep) and I thought he wanted milk.. Prepared everything n he fell back to sleep.. N i could not sleep for the next hour.. Anyway, am glad that he is sleeping longer n longer in the night..
I hear stories of how parents 'train' their children nt to drink milk at night so they can have a longer sleep.. 1. ignore the baby's cries of hunger. 2. feed baby plain water. I thought the first method is really cruel when they ignore baby's hunger cries. Will the children grow to be insecure adults because their parents deny them their basic needs when they were babies?
As I faces the frustrations of parenthood, I'm constantly reminded that relationships need to be build up. By blood ties, we are a family. But if I do not take every opportunity to love him, we will cannot grow to be family because there is no relationship.
See how we love him =)

N how happy he is.. Its a joy to see him smile more and more each day.. =)

Happy Baby, Happy Mummy..
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