Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Delivery Day= Birthday!!

Oswald bday shall be 31 March 2011!!! =) Gynae planned to induce birth on 30 March, and by 31 March 2011, Oswald shall be born. On 30 March, I need to be admitted to the hospital for surgical induction. Suppose to sleep there but I wonder how I can fall asleep? In a few hours, labor pain should set in. Afterwhich, normal delivery should follow. Read online about induction methods and its kinda scary where things have to be inserted into your vaginal. I thought that sounds uncomfortable and therefore how am I suppose to sleep? But whatever it is, praying for a safe and smooth delivery for Oswald and myself. I am happy that Oswald will be born in 1 day's time. Now at the same time, I am beginning to feel a sense of loss if I were to lose my big tummy (despite all the inconveniences it has been giving me, there is a strange sort of attachment) I reminded myself that the big tummy is not the real thing, but Oswald the child is the REAL thing! So I do not need to be overly attached to my tummy and lose focus on my child. He is practically poking his limbs out from my tummy and I should rejoice that he is coming OUT into the world!! =) =) Oswald, all the way!! =) We love you..

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