Sunday, January 9, 2011

Oswald- Week 28

At Week 28, Oswald's presence is undeniably strong. He moves rather frequently, sometimes causing my belly shifting to the right and left. I am so worried that he may burst his water bag that keeps him so comfortable. My body does not feel like my own, and its hard to accept that. It is shared with Oswald and how I wish sometimes he will be born soon so that this weird feeling will be gone.

But I feel guilty for wishing for that. I mean he needs his fair share of time in my body to be strong. Ohhhh, I pray for patience. Maybe disciplining a child starts from the womb. Sometimes Paul would ask him to be still and keep quiet so that he wont disturb me so much. Am I too much? Anyway, maybe discipline really does start from the womb. I pray that he will know that I love him despite the discomfort I am experiencing.

Anyway, I sense that he may be born earlier than expected. Better be ready soon after CNY. The way he is kicking, that way he is pushing on my pelvic and how the gynae says his head position is a little lower, all these gives me the hunch that he may be born earlier. Well, well, actually I cant wait for him to be delivered.. Jia you Oswald!

God, pray for your hand to continue to knit and form Oswald. Pray that he will be looking forward to seeing this lovely world you have created for him to have dominion over.

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