Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lucas Lion

Lucas: 'Who created God? Who make God appear? How does God look like?'

My sis sms me the above

i replied: "God is the beginning and the end. No one created God, He is there from the beginning. God created everything just like the Magician Liu Qian." (Lucas know who is Liu Qian ok)

My sis replied: "So God need to eat or not? God can turn us into lion or not?"

I replied to my sis: PRAISE GOD for tuning Lucas' heart to Himself!!!

Lion has special significance for Lucas. When he was afraid to attend his first day of school, we told him to be strong. He say he cannot but God can help him to be strong! He will be a lion! Lion means courage for him!

God, you will not turn Lucas into lion, but you will give him the spirit of courage as a lion to live a life of faith for you!!! PRAISE GOD!!

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