Sunday, April 25, 2010

May they know You

I am beginning to not know how to express myself because its a little complicated. Sharing with others becomes a bit redundant because I wonder who would truly listen.

Listening is part of my job but yet I dont think anyone truly listens to me. Therefore communication becomes pointless because a mere exchange of words does not mean communication.

My audience becomes very limited, and eventually friends become very limited as well. Its a choice that I made. Conscious or unconscious decision?

The night I cried from shouldering too much emotional baggage from listening to too many stories, there was no one I could share with. I learnt that night to consistently surrender to God. Pray for spiritual coverage. Pray for emotional ties with clients to be cut.

Lonely journey? Nope. Theirs is a lonelier one. I have Christ but they have none.

Heal them. Manifest your Sovereignty in their lives.

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