Saturday, September 19, 2009


Pastor just called me yday and told me tt due to the Month of the Lent (the period of 40days before Easter), the church is not renting out the place.

It freaks me out for awhile while I was talking to Serene, trying to get Paul, call York Hotel, inform Jac while at the same time deciding to change date or change venue. Disturbed, frustrated etc.. I realised that I get throw off balance rather easily when it comes to this.

Recently been repeating the lesson on PATIENCE. Something which is rather lacking in my daily life.. Impatient while waiting for bus (n it affects my mood), impatient w getting the date set for wedding, impatient with the pace of work in my new place. PATIENCE is a BIG theme..

Surely, I would love to learn this lesson well, together with Perservance and Submission to authority n God's timing. Pray for me, Thank you.

As for wedding date, it shall prayerfully be 10-04-10. The date is not bad la.. Prob a blessing in disguise. Waiting for God's best timing...

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