See here is the picture of the small FireFly that SH tries so hard to take. Finally took it when we landed in K.T.
I guess people there more relaxed la. Not like here, many rules…

After landing, he brought me to the streets for a quick walk and tour. I was so intrigued by the parking meter because you don’t see it in Singapore anymore =) Their parking is so cheap. I think RM$0.50 can park for an hour already. I have the fun of putting in 50cents when we went to the market area. Hehe…
Here is a picture of his lovely niece, Sharon. She is talkative and CUTE! I guess children being children, they love the attention. I hope she will be my flower girl but SH say she may have stage fright. Hmm…
Oh, yes yes about the food in K.T. It’s a Muslim state so I tried a lot of Malay food here. Malay rojak, malay laksa and malay prata. They have different versions as what we have in Sg. Sadly I didn’t take picture of them la. But I do have this picture of an egg which his mother boiled for us to eat. The egg is rather strange. The egg white is still watery but the egg yolk is HARD! See picture below for proof. Usually we have egg yoke that is harder to cook than the egg white, but this time round, the inner egg yolk gets cook first. Maybe Malay chicken??

Some things we do?
We went to the beach and jog…
We went to fly kite at the beach. There is a cosy A & W by the beach =) The beach is not developed by the gov to become a tourist spot so its still natural and not crowded. This is the beauty there, still a lot of nature.

We went fishing as well, my first fishing trip. It was under a overhead bridge and we just fish at the shallow waters.. haha.. He catches a small fish and that is the only fish for the day.. I caught none.. =(

We also went to climb a small hill and it is really steep.. Its only about half an hour up but we really perspire man!! But the joy of reaching the top is unmatched! Hehe

Well, it’s a nice and relaxing trip where we just rest and he spends time with his family and I make some cards for the children as farewell gifts for them.. look forward to gg back again =)
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