Saturday, September 6, 2008


On my one hour bus journey to office today, i stumbled into an adventure!!!! And I had to blog about it! Haha!

An Indian man got up the bus and sat opposite me. Innocent enough, he sat opposite me for the next half an hour. Fir the first few minutes, I thought there was something strange about his pants. I wondered if he forgot to zip up his pants cos I thought I saw something unusual. But anyway, it was so insignificant that I dismissed it away. As I was casting my eyes around in the bus 10-15mins later, I saw that the unusual thing at the zipper area of his pants had grew! I tried to looked at his eyes, but he was wearing a red cap so his eyes was being blocked. Then I looked at his private part again. It has indeed grew!Oops, sorry maybe grow is not the right word. Enlarge is a better word.

I ascertain that he was a pervert who does this intentionally! I felt uneasy and unsafe. And I feel concern for the rest of the ladies beside me. By then it was nearing my stop. My nature told me to just get off the bus and forget about it. But 2 seconds later, I caught myself and felt that I had to do something about it! I am a social worker and I need to uphold social justice! haha! So i walk to the bus driver and informed him. That pervert saw me doing it and then got off the bus. Another passenger overheard me and told the bus-driver to tell the pervert off. I dont know what happened next as I just got down the bus. But the last I saw was that the pervert also got off the same stop as me! hmmm, i was afraid of being stalk by him! haha..

If i sound excited to you, pls dont get me wrong. I am not excited about meeting a pervert. But the fact that you have to deal with a pervert gives you an adrenaline rush that causes you to sound excited! haha..

I want to laugh at the pervert who tried to scare me! I think he just picked the wrong target! =)

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