Saturday, May 10, 2008

WeiXiong&Rebecca's Wedding

Abang used his normal camera to take these pictures of the couple.. Bt I find them so pro sia...

Here is the wedding couple.. Simple and beautiful wedding.. That's them.. Not much nitty gritty, only a simple until cannot simple wedding.. haha. Simple until I really admire them, admire their simplicity.

After the wedding ceremony, we got so obessessed with the big beautiful cross and the grand piano.. Have to take pictures with it!

1 of it is taken with HL's camera, so the effect maybe not so good..

And finally, here are the NUS SOWers group.. haha.. Plus the couple too =)

Thanks to Abang & HL who sent us the pictures.. I have been looking forward to them..

About 5 years we know one another.. Its the common understanding between us that binds us together.. God, heart for people in social work and one another..I am blessed. SK not in social work line, but he often joke that he is half a social worker already.. =)

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