Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wasted life? Can it be redeemed?

God says: Honor your father and mother.
But... How do you honor your parents when there are honorable things that they do?
How do you know you have truly forgiven them, when there are repeatedly doing the things tt wrong you. Perhaps I dun really know forgiveness...
All your life, you have been battling with the same issue. Your reliance, your addiction causes us all to revolve our lives around you. How could you be so selfish? You have a life to live, yet you are not living it. You have a family, but its nt enough for you. You are still addicted. Its used to be hardcore substance, now its to soft substance tt does not appear so addictive.
What is causing you so much pain and emptiness that you have to rely on them to numb you? You have a life, live it!
What have you taught me in life? One thing I know, you taught me not to waste my life like you are doing now. You taught me pain.. Perhaps its you who caused me to think so much about life and I'm determined not to waste my life like you did...
I want to love you, pls help me to love you... Stop it..

God, you know how to help me, help her... I dunno..

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