Its their first time to The Central.. With such a cool place, such a cool cafe, and the funny bungee jumpy ride before us, we had a GREAT TIME!

Some food we ordered! Big mistake to order 1 dish per person, cos the portion is rather big.. Even Teh the bigger eater among us find it v filling! hope she missed tis comment! haha!
Then though we were full, we had the stomach for more sweet stuff! haha.. I have another stomach meant only for dessert.. hehe...

Made them take some pictures with the "card" I made them.. Hope they find it encouraging even in the years to come.. Then more pictures and more pictures.. Its never easy to take a nice picture especially when you dun want to ask the people around for help and yet you want everyone to be in the picture! We had to bend so low just to be in the camera...Cant be seen in the picture the suffering we went through though..
Some random pictures.. at the coffee club stil.. at Barang Barang...

And finally! The fav place for any group photo taking.. Toilet with a nice long mirror and nice lighting!
About 2weeks into the new year.. Not in the same BS grp.. But nothing much has change ya girls...=) Each of your growth is my greatest encouragement in the Lord.. So keep growing! =)
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