Sunday, August 19, 2007

Trust, Love and Dance!

There are a lot of nice movies that makes lots of sense..

"When a love needs proof, there is no trust. And when there is no trust, there is no love." (From the movie, The Butterfly.)

I won't say that I have some great truth to apply from this, just thought that it makes a lot of sense...

Trust and Love. Have thought about it before... Its difficult to trust others to love you, difficult to trust that they really do love you. Because human always demands others to love us the way we want them to. And essentially, people always love self more than others. Isnt it true? Can I really trust anyone to love me? I don't know. God, you need to help me.

"In dance, man always takes the lead. And the woman follows. The man does not dominate with his strength, rather he invites you (the woman) to join him in his steps. There is as much strength needed in following, as in leading." (From the movie, Take The Lead)

Wonderful show about dancing.. Makes me wonder if I should learn ballroom dancing! heehee.. So biblical.. beginning to think that relationship, is like dancing Waltz. The man lead, the woman follows. There will be time when the woman dances better, then she needs to help the man to find his steps. The woman needs to trust the man in leading, otherwise there will be no following. Every dance is a journey that the man bring the woman on. The two shall become one in the dance.

I'm going show it to my girls and help them learn about biblical relating with guys.. =)

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