We had a time of prayer for the SALTees as part of the graduation program. Each SALTee is to be sitted in the center of the circle and those who felt led will pray for him/her. I enjoyed the time of prayer so much! I sensed that the teens enjoyed the time of prayer too..
Each one was just praying for one another so freely, so openly, so lovingly I must say. There were thanksgiving for one another's contributions, gifts, and just how God had created them. There were prayer of blessings for one another in their school, family and life. Even Char who was not "supposed" to be in SALT was included in the prayer fellowship and was greatly encouraged.. there is unity in prayer. The laborers should also really learn from them! =)
For those that I didnt open my mouth to pray for you, I was quietly praying in my heart for each one. There just does not seem to have enough time for each one to pray. For Vincent, I prayed for you that you would come to trust in the Lord for the timing in your life. For Samuel, I prayed that you would find delight in the presence of the Lord. For Yunzhen, I prayed for you to know that you are beautiful to God. For Gordon, I prayed for you to seek first the kindgom of God and His righteousness. I wonder if I have left out anyone, but those whom I left out, I know God carries you dearly in His arms..

See how they play. I think this must have been 330am in the morning.. Aiyo, Joel so tired alrdy but they still dont care and play beside him! haha!

I think they say this is a family protrait or something..

And this is part of the class of SALT II, 2007 =)
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