Jus responding to Santi: You are welcome.. Its my priviledge to be involve in your life somehow. Many times I have been less than adequate in my role, but I am always humbled as I remember that God is the one who works in all of us to complete His worksmanship. Cont to be reflective and consider what God is doing in your life..
Jus discover recently that I am a Idealist. Just wanna make it clear that perfectionist is not the same as idealist.. Idealist live out and live for their ideal, not willing to scumble to the reality of life and willing to pay the price for their ideal..
In what ways am I an idealist? I guess with my relationship with eddie. I am seeking after a ideal relationship, a perfect marriage.. In my job, I also wanna loook for the ideal job. Though the job may pay lesser, but I dun mind.. Its my ideal I am living for.. Sad to say, being an idealist pays.. It takes lots of courage to pursue your ideal and in the case of my job, my calling..
I rem how i struggled when i was considering to go into full time christian work. I was concern about the pay, I was concern about how others would think of me, I was concern about how i would feel around all my friends who are social workers. There was a lot of pressure.. But I chose to obey God and pursue my ideal.. Satisfaction, dream.. Thank God for giving me the courage to do tt.. Thank God for making me the idealist that I am. (My guess is there is an idealist living in everyone who dares to obey God, I am nt too sure.. jus a guess)
In my relationship with eddie, i am an idealist too.. I will not write much here here lest it satisfy the kapoism of many out there.. I just derive pleasure in depriving people of thay kick! haha.. For you who know you have the r/s with me, do come and approach me lo. I am open to share.. =)
What is needed most in my life right now? I think it would be courage to pursue my ideal.. Somehow I have an ideal life in mind, v blur now but I just need to ask God to make it v v clear to me. I am also timid. I need God to tell me clearly what it is so that I may pursue it with courage..
An ideal life could be a very simple life.. I guess my ideal life is not to live in the palace and become a princess tt sort of unrealistic thingy.. But an ideal life is where I know I truly belong.. There are many safe places that would look as if I belong.. to get a good job, to get married, to stay in Sg etc (not that I will reject all the above stated)... Jus to do the things that many people are doing.. Maybe those are the things that I can try n belong too, maybe its where I truly belong.. I dunno.. I need to ask God.. After asking Him, after searching deep within myself, I will find out where I belong.. To find my place in the puzzle of God, and to shine in the place where I belong..
Dear God, unveil to me the plans you have for me. Reveal to me your secrets. Lord God, you promised me that You would lead me to treasures stored in secret places and riches stored in darkness. Show me dear God. I want to find them, I know that these treasures and riches are stored in deep places in my heart where you have placed them.. Help me Lord
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