Paul and I have been wow-ing at how fast time flies for us and Oswald is now 9months, coming to 10months old! Sometimes we wished he could grow a little faster so that we could understand him verbally, and so we do not need to carry him so much (we are developing some muscles from carrying him.)
Oswald learning to stand at 8th months old and sustained a few bumps on his head along the way.
He is finding his way around the house and making up his own obstacle cross to overcome =) (At 9th month old)

His Christmas gift on his very first Christmas day! He is managing with biting the ball and trying to stand on the hoop currently.. hahaha!
Thinking about my patients in the hospital.. Comparing to FSC and community services centre, the patients I see in hospital comes with more varied issues- Financial, emotional, linking elderly and physically challenged people to support services so that they may continue to stay in the community.
I remember Mdm L. She has 2 children- elder daughter i (40s) and younger son (30s). Her elder daughter is married to a abusive husband with 2 children of her own, busy trying to make ends meets on her own. Mdm L's younger son is mentally challenged. Due to Mdm L's frail health, her son had been sent to nursing home. Mdm L suffers from some psychiatric issue but refused to seek treatment. She thinks about dying all the time, but b4 that, she makes sure that she will bring her son along with her. To her, her son cannot live on without her. Although her son expressed wish to live on, he is dependent on Mdm L as his only source of care and love as well. Hence to say to that her son cannot live on without her is true to some extent.
Mdm L tried to kill her son by giving him overdose of his medication. She tried to feed herself overdose of medication as well. We cant verify if the claims are true, but we have to take them seriously. There is nothing she hoped for in life, but she clung on to so many things of the past. The things she held onto are displayed through the clutter of old items in her house. What is she living for? What is she holding on to? She knows she had a knot in her heart, waiting to be untied, but she doesnt know where the key is. I didnt dare to think that I can help her with it because I know her problem is deep seated..
What does Christmas meant for her? It meant absconding from hospital on Christmas eve so that she can go back and check on her house in case her old items get thrown away. It meant visiting her son on Christmas day. Her fears may be irrational. Her ways are seen as stubborn. But her resilience had sustained her till this day, without which she might have give up many years ago. She fought on...
Dear God, I pray for Mdm L that you have mercy on her and give her peace in her heart. You give her the strength to surrender her burdens to you. Dear God, you love her and I pray that she will know that you love her. Pray that she will enter in heaven into eternal rest because her life on earth had been very tough already. Pray against the devil's foothold in her life and ask that you bind the evil one. Your mighty work may be establish in her life despite the rubbles that is currently seen in her life. In Jesus' most victorious name we pray, Amen.
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