Its another milestone in my life.. As a working mum.. Thank God for His peace that guards my heart and protects me from anxiety.
Have been preparing Oswald for the day I return to work.. 1. Getting him familiar with my parents n Lucas. 2. Travelling with him on the bus to my parents' house. 3. Establishing his sleep and feed routine. 4. Telling him abt my going to work. 5. Helping Paul to be more confident in caring for him so that when I work, Paul can step up on his care for Oswald.
Seems Good! Almost set for tomorrow! =)
Was sharing with some friends that once you have a child, it seems that you are forever pregnant with the child. Even though the child is no longer within you, but your heart and mind are attached to the child permanently. So I know that when I am at work, my mind will somehow be elsewhere with Oswald.
Oswald is into his fifth month and reaching new milestones. Weaning! Exciting new journey!
For one, I am starting to wean him to a bit of rice cereal. I started off with letting him sit in his high chair with just water in the bowl. I also fed him water from the spoon so that he will be familiar with getting food from a spoon.
Reading is the way to learn! Read about 5books on weaning and finally bought one. It is good because it is more chinese style and includes more recipes such as porridge and mee sua. Was collecting recipes from the Net and realised that if I feed Oswald according to that method, he will grow up loving potatoes, pasta and cheese! Hmm, not that its not good, just that I would like him to develop liking for chinese food..

Hours of preparation and finally.. His first meal of semi-solid! I was persuaded that Oswald should be allowed to explore his food with his fingers to be more familiar with them.. So this is how it ended up! Food all over his mouth and his cheeks, as well as food on the highchair tray, bib, hankerchief.. It has not reached the floor but who knows when that will happen! =)

I am keeping a diary of his weaning schedule so that I know when to start him on the different food.. Although I am excited to be able to cook for baby, but I am just a little worried that I might be too tired to do so.. But yet, I guess with a new steamer cum blender coming on the way, this process will be made easier..Plus my interest in cooking should make it much easier =)
Brought Oswald for a picnic at the almost revamped Bishan Park.. V nice place with cool breeze in the evening. Though a short picnic cos the sky was getting dark so fast, but an enjoyable nonetheless.
Oswald really resembles me in this photo..

Snatching sandwich from Daddy

Oswald admiring the kites in the air..
Dear God, I pray that you bind us together with Your Love that we may demonstrate your Love to people around us.. In Jesus name, Amen
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