Finally got to transfer Lucas' picture into my Macbook..
Meeting Lucas and my parents each week has become my priority. Even in my heavy pregnancy, I want to make it a point to meet up with them.
Lucas is really animated.. Look at all his drama faces. =)
Him and his teddy bear drawing block.. N his botak head!

And as he enters into the year 2011, approaching 5 years old, his drama faces are... (make me speechless)

I could not interpret this picture until he told me he is imitating kolar bear! Hahaha!!!!

Looking at Lucas staying with my parents, I really appreciate how my parents have taught him to just appreciate the simple things in life. His pencil case is not overloaded with fanciful pens/pencils/ erasers like some kids. Well, yes he has a Transformer pencil case (his dad bought for him) but inside he only has a pen and a pencil. Another pencil given (or borrowed) by his teacher which he uses but never dare to sharpen it because it belongs to his teacher and not his! And his hairstyle.. its only short or long.. but the style remains the same forever!
As I think of Oswald, I pray that as he is cared for by my parents daily, he will also develop a lifestyle of simplicity.. N appreciate the simple things in life. I pray also that Lucas and Oswald will be like David and Jonathan in the bible- the best of friends and brothers.