Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Lesson of the day

Oh God, I am so tired.. Many more phonecalls to make to follow-up with all the referral from schools...

Saw a family just now with 4 families staying in one household. The owner of the house is reduced to staying in one room. Her brother-in-law family has to sleep in the living room with walls made of cardboards. I think they have about 16 people staying together.. only 4 ppl working in the family and the highest income is only $2000. All the other 3 families are staying with her because they have no flat of their own, and currently waiting for their rental flat.

Actually I feel quite frustrated with her attitude. She is a real fine lady, just that she has this happy-go-luck attitude tt is not helping her and her children. Her 2 year old girl is really FAT but then she feeds her 2 tins of milk every month! I think tt's too much la.. Lucas dont drink so much milk when he was 2 years old..

Lesson of the day: Plan how many children I want to have.. If you cant afford to have so many children, get an extra job to feed them. Mother's love and attention is not everything.. They also need food and books.

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