The Race is over..
A deep breathe of relief... Been at this for 2 months... Not perfect but I choose not focus on the mistakes.
Throughout the event, the part that I enjoy the most is the debriefing with the SALT teens. Honest, genuine and humble. Thanks guys for the openness.
I know that sometimes JH, Doreal and myself dont lead well enough and we may not have given you enough guidance along the way, but thanks for bearing with us.
Ya I admit I was disappointed and frustrated with some teens along the way, but I pray that they will grow through this event.
With my working with Dor and JH, KY affirmed us for having great team work and help one another cover up for what we see not done, but I think our team work would have been smoother. Yes I agree we really complemented one another very well, covering up for what was lacking and taking charge of what needs to be done. But if there were better communications, we would hv reduce our stress level knowing that some particular levels are actually being covered already! haha!
Dor is strong is the details, covering the admin, registration. She is also creative in publicity, knowing what would help the teens to sign up with us.
JH is strong is planning the games, creative in his games ideas and also in ra-ra-ing with the crowd.
The way I see we work is that we come in when we see a gap. If we hv more opportunities to work together, with familiarity with one's style of working, I guess we can work with great dynamics. Sometimes we dont have to say so much and we kinda know that a particular area would be covered by one of us. Thanks Dor and JH for the support given to me and the teens. I appreciate it!
Blessed are those who find good working partners at work and ministry because it makes you love your job easier!
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