At the end of the anime, I was so disturbed I cant sleep well. Its a story that happen to 2 Japanese siblings during WW2.
What is the major story plot for war? Violence, deaths of millions of soldiers and civilians, victories and defeats, territories won and lost...
But what is the minor story plot in war? What do you think? I think they are pains, abandonment, helplessness, rejections, struggles, hunger, loneliness, fear...
Through the eyes of these 2 siblings- a brother trying to care for the younger sister, a war story was told. The love between them, the security the brother tries to offer his sister (by not telling her that their parents had died). The provision the brother tries to give his sister (by getting food through stealing, begging robbing). The hope he tried to offer her (by bringing her to the seaside for some fun time). I see 2 young hopes trying to stay alive during war.
Despite their fighting to stay alive, they lost. When the sister passed away due to malnurition and sickness, the brother eventually died having no hope nor reasons to be alive anymore.
It breaks my heart to see how they tried to remain hopeful. It torn my heart into pieces to see the little girl wasting away. My heart bled when the brother had to steal to survive. I grieved at the end of the anime when both died slowly.
I had never seen war, and I pray I shall never see it.
Sufferings in this world is everywhere. I prayed and I grieved yet but its not enough. Lord, help me do something. What else can I do?
The good Lord reminded me, "I am still confident of this, I will see the GOODNESS of the Lord in the land of the living." Psalm 27:13. There is yet goodness in this world. Not all is lost.
Shown forth your mercy Lord. Your salvation come swiftly Lord. Let your hope shine in their hearts... Love you Lord
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