The latest happening that amuses me is his 'crawlathon'. I am not sure how other babies does it, but it seems he crawls really fast! He even had blisters at his foot due to the crawling. Few days ago, he learned how to get into sit up position from his leopard crawl.
Seems that when Sharon (Paul's niece) was a baby, she was apparently very happy with herself when she could perform this new skill. So we were expecting Oswald to clap/smile to himself.. But he did nothing, as if life as usual.. hmmm.. Anyway, we just clapped and cheered him on! But he was still not amused.. anyway...
Occasionally, Oswald will have some new pattern that brings us some clues about his personality. This was taken when he just finished his milk and was kind of just slacking.. I figured out, all guys need some space-out time. N he is especially nice tempered after his milk. So I guessed, hungry man = angry man!!!!! This is quite similar to Paul.. hmm

It was my birthday and I thank God for friends who celebrated with me and sweetened up my day. The day started in pretty sad way, but ended well.
Praise God for friends who understood, listened and gave support. Praise God for them who share the same faith, one God and remained faithful friends through the different seasons in life.

And so, till we meet again in Nov for Callin's birthday and more sharing.. Some how, I am looking forward to each of their weddings and more babies to come to join our SOW group.